Upcoming Events
Elings Park Maintenance
Wednesday night Elings Park trail work- lets get dirty!
Please RSVP
Elings Park tral Maintenance
Wednesday night Elings Park trail work- lets get dirty!
Please RSVP
Elings Park trail maintenance
Wednesday night Elings Park trail work- lets get dirty!
Please RSVP
Elings Park trail maintenance
Wednesday night Elings Park trail work- lets get dirty!
Please RSVP
Cold Springs Work and Ride
End of season maintenance for a year round favorite
Please email to RSVP
Jesusita (Inspiration Point)
Join for a Sunday morning of brushing and trail maintenance on the Inspiration point ascent.
Beautiful lake and ocean views to be had on this out and back trail. Join us and the fine folks from Trail One Components for some fun in the dirt!
Please RSVP
Rancho Alegre Bike Trails
Machine built flow trails need hand finishing! Please send an email to rsvp
Cold Springs Work and Ride
Shuttle day on Cold Springs East Fork. Join for some pre winter drain clearing and light brushing. Hikers and bikers welcome!
Elings Park Maintenance
Monthly Elings Park trail work event- let’s get dirty!
Please RSVP
San Antonio Creek Trail with the Mountainadoras
Hang with Santa Barbara’s ladies cycling club, the Mountainadoras, for a bit of much needed maintenance on a crowd favorite. Please RSVP here
Evenings at Elings
Brushing time at the beach!! Come lend a hand to get some of our hot weather trails ready for summer.
Please email max@sagetrail.org for more information and to RSVP.
Jesusita Rocks
A bit of sustainability improvements on some tired sections of trail- rock work fans rejoice!
Please email max@sagetrail.org for more information and to RSVP.
Jesusita Brushing
Brushing season is here! Come help us get a handle on this one.
RSVP here —> https://x.gldn.io/hVSKjKnOnKb
Trek Trails at Rancho Alegre Grand Opening
After a couple build seasons and some damaging rain years, Rancho Alegre is opening its trails to the public!
RSVP and more information below!
Camuesa Connector Work and Ride
Bring a back pack large enough for a packable tool, we’ll have tools for ya. More information can be found at the RSVP here.
Elings Park Maintenance and Hand Finishing
Come on out for our annual dirt work day at Elings Park South. We will tackle some erosion thats popped up with the rains, and start polishing up the new trail off Las Positas, the SB Foundation Trail, with some hand finishing work. Please RSVP for more info and to help us with a head count. See ya there!
Fig Digs
Our first trip back to the Figueroa Mountain Area in quite some time! We will spend the morning prepping trails for another potentially wet winter. More information on which trail or trails in specific to follow. RSVP to stay updated!
Camuesa Connector Work and Ride (or hike)
Come help start the process of chipping away at the re-opening of backcountry favorites! This event will entail packing in dirt tools to clean up last winter’s damage. Information and RSVP HERE
Member Party
We invite all of our members or those who have volunteered with us this year to come out and enjoy a day with the SAGE community. We’ll have games, food and drink, and bikes to demo.
Eling’s Park North
More info and RSVP can be found here
Tunnel Brushing
Hike up from Tunnel road and help cut back some of the larger encroaching vegetation.
Montecito Front Country Trail Day
Collaborative Trail Work event with SAGE, the City of Santa Barbara, Montecito Trails Foundation, and Los Padres Forest Association. RSVP at SantaBarbaraCA.gov/TrailWork
West Fork
Sunday morning dig day addressing encroaching brush and minor dirt and rock work projects on West Fork of Cold Spring Trail. RSVP and more information here: https://x.gldn.io/HLSbbIoq6zb
Front Country Trail Day
Collaborative Day with Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation, Montecito Trails Foundation, and Los Padres Forest Association. Starting at Skofield Park, 8:30am.
4/01 Dig Day
We've been on hold for a while now with all this rain but can’t wait to get back out and to see you there! Come lend a hand! Today’s event will be generously supported by the folks at Trail One Components.
Stay tuned- location TBA soon!
RSVP required -> https://x.gldn.io/beI3LXCJayb

Elings North Volunteer day
Join us at Elings this Sunday for a volunteer day repairing the trails on the northern end of the park! We’ll be filling in ruts, improving drainage, and addressing any other major trail issues to ensure they are safe for use!
RSVP mandatory via link here - maximum capacity of 30 volunteers

Elings trail work day
Join us for a trail clean up day at Elings Park! After the storms there is a lot of dirt work to do including repairing ruts, trail tread, and small slides. We will be meeting in the South Parking Lot at 10am (off of Cliff Drive)
Volunteer Day - Camuesa
Join us on Camuesa for a volunteer day repairing trail tread and clearing drains for winter.
Volunteer Day - Romero
Unfortunately this event has been postponed due to weather and volunteer leader availability. Check back soon for a rescheduling!